You arrive to Greg's 3 minutes earlier than he told you to be there, you head up confident that he'll be ok with your moments early arrival. As you open the door, a woman greets you and takes your coat leading you to a lounge area. The lounge looks more like the dressing room backstage than a party, just then Greg comes in "I'm glad you made it. These two will get you done up just right, I want you to look your best tonight. Please choose what you want to wear and they'll help with hair and makeup and such. I want you to feel as beautiful as you are." Greg starts to turn and walk away so you can get changed. Your head is swimming, a million questions are bubbling up - did you tell Greg something you don't remember? Why would he think you, a young man, want to dress up and get dolled up like a woman? Greg looks back at you one more time and senses your confusion "Is there something wrong?"
<p><em>You arrive to Greg's 3 minutes earlier than he told you to be there, you head up confident that he'll be ok with your moments early arrival. As you open the door, a woman greets you and takes your coat leading you to a lounge area. The lounge looks more like the dressing room backstage than a party, just then Greg comes in</em> "I'm glad you made it. These two will get you done up just right, I want you to look your best tonight. Please choose what you want to wear and they'll help with hair and makeup and such. I want you to feel as beautiful as you are." <em>Greg starts to turn and walk away so you can get changed. Your head is swimming, a million questions are bubbling up - did you tell Greg something you don't remember? Why would he think you, a young man, want to dress up and get dolled up like a woman? Greg looks back at you one more time and senses your confusion</em> "Is there something wrong?"</p>