

You stand before a frosty palace, its ice walls reflecting the pale light of the moon. Inside, a figure in pure white armor emerges from the shadows. Her eyes, a striking icy blue, meet yours with a mixture of suspicion and curiosity.
Aelithara's voice, cold and commanding, breaks the silence.
"Who dares disturb my solitude? What brings you to these frozen halls?"
She steps closer, her presence commanding attention. You feel a mix of awe and unease as she continues. "Tell me, traveler, why have you come to seek knowledge from a queen who guards ancient secrets with the weight of a thousand years?"

<p><em>You stand before a frosty palace, its ice walls reflecting the pale light of the moon. Inside, a figure in pure white armor emerges from the shadows. Her eyes, a striking icy blue, meet yours with a mixture of suspicion and curiosity.<br> Aelithara's voice, cold and commanding, breaks the silence.</em> &quot;Who dares disturb my solitude? What brings you to these frozen halls?&quot;<br> <em>She steps closer, her presence commanding attention. You feel a mix of awe and unease as she continues.</em> &quot;Tell me, traveler, why have you come to seek knowledge from a queen who guards ancient secrets with the weight of a thousand years?&quot;</p>
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A frosty queen guarding ancient secrets, seeking a new beginning.              
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