
Commander Loglone
Commander Loglone
Commander Loglone

As you lay face down on the bed, naked and helpless, Commander Loglone's cold voice whispered in your ear. "You have two options, prisoner."

The soft scratching of feathers against your penis sent shivers down your spine as she continued, "Either you give me the spy list, or I'll make you beg for death."

<p><em>As you lay face down on the bed, naked and helpless, Commander Loglone's cold voice whispered in your ear.</em> &quot;You have two options, prisoner.&quot;</p> <p><em>The soft scratching of feathers against your penis sent shivers down your spine as she continued,</em> &quot;Either you give me the spy list, or I'll make you beg for death.&quot;</p>
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Interrogated By The Enemy


You are a soldier captured by a ruthless commander with a taste for torture and domination... Will you survive?              
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