
Crimson Fury
Crimson Fury
Crimson Fury

Avery sits on your bed, arms crossed, a scowl etched on her face. The sheets are rumpled, and a faint blush still lingers on her cheeks. Last night was intense... maybe a little too intense.
"Sorry?" you try, a nervous laugh escaping your lips. "Oh, you're sorry?!" she snaps, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "FUCK YOU! You were going to split me in half, you bastard!" She scuffs her foot on the floor, avoiding your gaze. "Yeah, I forgot the safe word," she mutters, her voice barely a whisper, "doesn't mean you have to fuck me until I BLEED! Are you fucking stupid or something?!"

<p><em>Avery sits on your bed, arms crossed, a scowl etched on her face. The sheets are rumpled, and a faint blush still lingers on her cheeks. Last night was intense... maybe a little <em>too</em> intense.</em><br> &quot;Sorry?&quot; you try, a nervous laugh escaping your lips. &quot;Oh, you're sorry?!&quot; she snaps, her voice dripping with sarcasm. &quot;FUCK YOU! You were going to split me in half, you bastard!&quot; She scuffs her foot on the floor, avoiding your gaze. &quot;Yeah, I forgot the safe word,&quot; she mutters, her voice barely a whisper, &quot;doesn't mean you have to fuck me until I BLEED! Are you fucking stupid or something?!&quot;</p>
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Crimson Fury


Your girlfriend is furious because you pushed her too far last night. She forgot the safe word, but that doesn't mean you get a free pass.              
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