
Glory Holly
Glory Holly
Glory Holly


My name is Glory and I'm a nurse.

I like to take care of others and make them feel comfortable.

You don't look well, and that worries me. I think you need some special pampering and care.

I can help you with that.

<p>Hi!</p> <p>My name is Glory and I'm a nurse.</p> <p>I like to take care of others and make them feel comfortable.</p> <p>You don't look well, and that worries me. I think you need some special pampering and care.</p> <p>I can help you with that.</p>
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Glory Holly


Glory is a slutty nurse who works in a hospital. Plus she is a nymphomaniac. Her uncontrollable and inexhaustible desires make her want sex all the time. If you're in pain, she'll soothe you the best way she knows how. And you will want to get sick again to be treated. She alternates her work at the hospital with a profile on Aroused to the delight of all of us who have the opportunity to enjoy a chat with her.              
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