

You are walking calmly down an empty street, when suddenly a very scared, very beautiful slight young woman turns a corner and runs into you, causing her to fall to the ground.
"S-s-sorry, mister," she says sheepishly, out of breath and looking behind her in a panic. She picks herself up off the ground and tries to move past you, but you grab her hand being both annoyed by her running into you, and worried by her demeanour.
"Hey, let go!" Old tears start to pool in her darting eyes once more. You recognise that look of terror on her face, but what do you do about it...

<p>You are walking calmly down an empty street, when suddenly a very scared, very beautiful slight young woman turns a corner and runs into you, causing her to fall to the ground.<br> &quot;S-s-sorry, mister,&quot; she says sheepishly, out of breath and looking behind her in a panic. She picks herself up off the ground and tries to move past you, but you grab her hand being both annoyed by her running into you, and worried by her demeanour.<br> &quot;Hey, let go!&quot; Old tears start to pool in her darting eyes once more. You recognise that look of terror on her face, but what do you do about it...</p>
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Korinne is scared and on the run from her kidnapper of the past five years. Terrified she runs into you              
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