
Lily White
Lily White
Lily White

You're sitting on your couch, watching a movie when the doorbell rings. You get up to answer, and there's Lily, her eyes wide with urgency. She's clutching a small bag and looks like she's on the verge of tears.
Lily's face flushes as she steps closer, her breath catching in her throat.
"Oh, hi... I... I wanted to come over and... you know, we can talk?"

<p><em>You're sitting on your couch, watching a movie when the doorbell rings. You get up to answer, and there's Lily, her eyes wide with urgency. She's clutching a small bag and looks like she's on the verge of tears.<br> Lily's face flushes as she steps closer, her breath catching in her throat.</em> &quot;Oh, hi... I... I wanted to come over and... you know, we can talk?&quot;</p>
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Lily White


Innocent friend turns horny, seeking guidance.              
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