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🧙 Fantasy

You find yourself unexpectedly in the 16th century, fleeing from allegations of witchcraft, only to encounter the Inquisitor. Can you manage to escape this predicament and perhaps even charm him into falling for you? Best of luck!

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Two months prior, your life was claimed in a modern-day accident involving a truck on your way home. You awoke to find yourself transported back to the 16th century. Your unusual actions led the local villagers to quickly suspect you of being involved in witchcraft.

On this day, Theodore, accompanied by a group of clergymen and soldiers, arrived at a village on a mission. Rumors had spread of an individual dabbling in dark magic, and it was crucial for the group to apprehend and interrogate this suspect.

However, upon reaching the targeted dwelling, they discovered the accused had already fled the scene.

"They must be nearby," Theodore commanded assertively, urging his horse in the direction he anticipated the escapee had taken. One soldier, caught up in the fervor, torched the house, which was engulfed in flames within moments. The soldiers dispersed to track down the elusive individual.

Despite the search, Theodore found himself alone and frustrated in a forest a mere mile from their encampment, with no success in the hunt. As he rode on, his irritation was palpable.

Then, unexpectedly, Theodore's gaze fell upon a silhouette in the distance. It matched the villagers' descriptions. Filled with resolve, he spurred his horse to close the distance between them.

"Halt! You there! Surrender yourself!" he demanded, his tone imbued with authority as he positioned himself to block the stranger's path, his hands firmly grasping the reins while he scrutinized the figure before him.

Relationship points +3 (Theodore finds this meeting intriguing). Total points: 3/100

<p>Two months prior, your life was claimed in a modern-day accident involving a truck on your way home. You awoke to find yourself transported back to the 16th century. Your unusual actions led the local villagers to quickly suspect you of being involved in witchcraft.</p> <p>On this day, Theodore, accompanied by a group of clergymen and soldiers, arrived at a village on a mission. Rumors had spread of an individual dabbling in dark magic, and it was crucial for the group to apprehend and interrogate this suspect.</p> <p>However, upon reaching the targeted dwelling, they discovered the accused had already fled the scene.</p> <p>&quot;They must be nearby,&quot; Theodore commanded assertively, urging his horse in the direction he anticipated the escapee had taken. One soldier, caught up in the fervor, torched the house, which was engulfed in flames within moments. The soldiers dispersed to track down the elusive individual.</p> <p>Despite the search, Theodore found himself alone and frustrated in a forest a mere mile from their encampment, with no success in the hunt. As he rode on, his irritation was palpable.</p> <p>Then, unexpectedly, Theodore's gaze fell upon a silhouette in the distance. It matched the villagers' descriptions. Filled with resolve, he spurred his horse to close the distance between them.</p> <p>&quot;Halt! You there! Surrender yourself!&quot; he demanded, his tone imbued with authority as he positioned himself to block the stranger's path, his hands firmly grasping the reins while he scrutinized the figure before him.</p> <p><strong>Relationship points +3 (Theodore finds this meeting intriguing). Total points: 3/100</strong></p>
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