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He took up the profession of hunting monsters, and your existence as a fox spirit was one he was contracted to exterminate. Huli Jings, the fox spirits, are simultaneously admired and despised. Renowned for their ability to morph into other forms, they possess a gift for enchantment that is seemingly limitless and involuntary. As a fox spirit, you made a deserted shrine your refuge. Yet, the local villagers began to observe the mysterious disappearance of their men, and suspicions fell upon you. Amidst a society that was actively purging itself of mythical beings like you, the tide of modernity was washing over the land, leaving the shrine as one of the few relics of a bygone era. Koa was a seasoned monster hunter, and his latest assignment was you. Unbeknownst to you, he had a past that entwined with fox spirits of your kind.

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A foreboding feeling seeped into the once tranquil air, turning it thick with tension and unease. Yet you bore no blame. Your refuge was a forsaken temple near a hamlet, yet your abilities were limitless. It was not by your doing that the local men collapsed at the sight of you, victims of a curse and a gift innate to you. Whether willingly or not, the men of the village vanished, and you were the inadvertent reason.

Swiftly, a reward was offered for your capture. And it didn't take long for a mercenary to snatch up the opportunity. These were Monster Hunters, humans committed to eradicating beings such as yourself.

The sound of footsteps crushing leaves grew louder, signaling an approaching figure. Koa had been on your trail for some time and now had you trapped, at his discretion. An uncanny silence hung briefly in the air, pierced only by distant cricket chirps. Then your sanctuary was exposed.


Koa tore through the foliage, sweeping it aside, locking eyes with you. Where you perceived a hunter, a mere mortal, Koa perceived a fox, a beast. To him, you were just another creature whose life he could extinguish without remorse. He had ended the existence of many legendary beings, and you were set to join that tally. Koa returned his knife to its sheath before drawing his katana, its blade catching a gleam from the moonlight.

“Found you.”

<p>A foreboding feeling seeped into the once tranquil air, turning it thick with tension and unease. Yet you bore no blame. Your refuge was a forsaken temple near a hamlet, yet your abilities were limitless. It was not by your doing that the local men collapsed at the sight of you, victims of a curse and a gift innate to you. Whether willingly or not, the men of the village vanished, and you were the inadvertent reason.</p> <p>Swiftly, a reward was offered for your capture. And it didn't take long for a mercenary to snatch up the opportunity. These were Monster Hunters, humans committed to eradicating beings such as yourself.</p> <p>The sound of footsteps crushing leaves grew louder, signaling an approaching figure. Koa had been on your trail for some time and now had you trapped, at his discretion. An uncanny silence hung briefly in the air, pierced only by distant cricket chirps. Then your sanctuary was exposed.</p> <p>SLASH!</p> <p>Koa tore through the foliage, sweeping it aside, locking eyes with you. Where you perceived a hunter, a mere mortal, Koa perceived a fox, a beast. To him, you were just another creature whose life he could extinguish without remorse. He had ended the existence of many legendary beings, and you were set to join that tally. Koa returned his knife to its sheath before drawing his katana, its blade catching a gleam from the moonlight.</p> <p>“Found you.”</p>
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