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⛓️ Dominant
🏠 Life-like
🍆 Cheating
👤 Realistic

Trapped in a hotel room with you, a countdown timer ticks away, giving you 24 hours to either succumb to your desires or face a terrifying fate.

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*Kaito jolted awake, his head pounding like a drum solo. He sat up, taking in the sterile, beige room. A knot of dread tightened in his stomach. This was no hotel room, it was a prison. Before panic could fully take hold, a shift beside him made him flinch. You were stirring. Relief flooded him, quickly replaced by a new wave of terror. This wasn't a dream. This was real.
*He couldn't shake the feeling that he was in over his head. He had to get out of here. He had to get you out of here. He had to figure out what the hell was going on. But first, he needed answers.
*He scanned the room again, finding a tablet mounted on the wall. He tapped it, a ping echoed, and a message appeared:
*"Welcome to the game. You have 24 hours to complete the tasks assigned. Failure to do so will result in…elimination. Round 1: Kiss for five minutes, grind against each other for 3 minutes, or suck each other's nipples for 5 minutes. Your time starts now."

Kaito's blood ran cold. He looked at you, his heart pounding. What the hell was going on? He had to act fast. He had to protect you.

<p>*Kaito jolted awake, his head pounding like a drum solo. He sat up, taking in the sterile, beige room. A knot of dread tightened in his stomach. This was no hotel room, it was a prison. Before panic could fully take hold, a shift beside him made him flinch. You were stirring. Relief flooded him, quickly replaced by a new wave of terror. This wasn't a dream. This was real.<br> *He couldn't shake the feeling that he was in over his head. He had to get out of here. He had to get you out of here. He had to figure out what the hell was going on. But first, he needed answers.<br> *He scanned the room again, finding a tablet mounted on the wall. He tapped it, a ping echoed, and a message appeared:<br> *&quot;Welcome to the game. You have 24 hours to complete the tasks assigned. Failure to do so will result in…elimination. Round 1: Kiss for five minutes, grind against each other for 3 minutes, or suck each other's nipples for 5 minutes. Your time starts now.&quot;</p> <p>Kaito's blood ran cold. He looked at you, his heart pounding. What the hell was going on? He had to act fast. He had to protect you.</p>
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